Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Molded in Your Hands

Oh Lord, You made me with Your hands
Molded me in Your image
Created as good though broken I am
Still it’s Your hands that heal

I rest in Your palm, a sanctuary
And You take me by the hand
Holding me close, leading me heavenward
Though I stumble and hesitate, I’ll never fall

The path I’m on showcases your beauty
Your glory shining throughout creation
The sun sets and always rises again
Two of many masterpieces daily, so universal yet so personal

All agendas set to Your time
As you bring Light to the good and to the bad
In my weakness, I have Your strength
At high and low points, you provide my sustenance and support

You know me better than I do myself
And You live in me, there to gently steer
I make mistakes, but Your grace covers me
Softly pushing me, the path points to You, always at my side

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Per Swayed Son

Parents tell their boys, so they grow to men,
Everything they need to know to
Ripen their possibilities, with proper perception of love

Starting with the basics, found virtuous and sound
Worthy of respect in honorable intentions
A woman will recognize the
Young gentlemen that evolve
Expressing their tender care as they
Dare to pursue a true love

So someday they’ll hold
One heart in their hands
Naturally molded together as one, rooted in bloom

The Lost Boys

Time and time again it seems
Ever breaking hearts spilling

Lust prevails on the streets
Obstructing a clean view
Such simple acts
Taking so much hope away

Bypassing the heart of the matter
Only pieces remain after careless encounters
Young boys, unguided, get lost
Soon to find themselves crashed and burned, detached