Saturday, March 31, 2012

Giggle Glimmer

If I told you I miss you
Would you say you miss me too?
That you long to look into my eyes
As they glimmer when I giggle
Gazing back at yours so blue

Would you say you’d do all it will take
To keep me from hitting the brake
To keep me by your side
Showing my joyous flaws
Waiting to see what inside you it will wake

Tell me that it’s all been worthwhile
That my hopes with reality will reconcile
Rather than witness another heartbreak
We will embrace what’s been all along
Just pick up the phone and dial

For you I’ll keep waiting here
If only you’ll promise you’ll draw near
Leaving no doubt that you’ll stay
At my side like always but now together
Sweet words whispered in my ear

Step Now

You stepped away
Letting it all go to waste
I remind myself it’s for the best
But I still replay that day

Where would we be now
If we had stood our ground
Locking arms for what may come
Changing an if into a how

Obstacles we could climb
To the stars we could soar
Because into each other’s eyes we’d dive
Making me yours and you mine

But that’s now how you moved
Instead you receded with the tide
As the moon’s glow softened
And my heart yours no longer soothed

Because you feared a flood
You stayed on the edge, not risking
Letting go to reach new depths
You moved back and missed the blooming bud

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Crash Into A Scapegoat

            Academy Award Winning film Crash portrays numerous intercultural interactions as the characters encounter each other throughout the course of the movie. It emphasizes its crash metaphor and the relational tensions resulting from the interracial experiences. Approaching this film’s message through metaphor gives it a greater depth; as metaphor itself gives a greater understanding of language and meaning, the film’s crash metaphor connects the multi-faceted relations between people of differing culture.
            The crash metaphor used throughout the movie makes an accurate point in the relationship between culture and race. The film depicts literal car crashes that reflect the crashing cultures and races in the interactions shown throughout the story. Every encounter happens between two people of differing backgrounds, and each one generates tension, ultimately leading to a collision of some sort.
            Another metaphor that would capture the essence of Crash would be that the relationship between race and culture is a scapegoat relationship. This starts with the fact that such distinctions between races exist in the first place. Each person holds his own notions of the world and the people within it; this includes stereotypes. While these may exist from experience and can capture possible general characteristics, every individual holds his own uniqueness. Though everyone is unique, everyone needs a scapegoat. People attack the differences in others as they target them.
            As the movie progresses, the tensions grow stronger between the characters. All of them commit an act that uses another as their scapegoat, an action they cannot erase. This leads to the question of whether or not they can redeem themselves for using these innocent people cultural scapegoats. Several of the characters receive the opportunity to either interact more appropriately towards the character they have wronged or to improve their behavior in general by treating another individual better than they had the person they wronged. One notable instance of his happens when Ludacris’s character Anthony shows a change in attitude at the end of the movie. At the beginning, the audience witnesses him and his brother stealing a car, an act implied as familiar to them. Anthony holds negative views of how white people view him, in his eyes immediately deeming him a lesser person, and approaches his behavior in a manner consistent with treating them with equal distaste. His final scene shows him freeing a group of Asians who had been chained to the inside of a van he stole. While he could keep them on their track to slavery, getting a lot of money in the process, he lets them go. This hints at a progression of perception alteration.
            In the case of Anthony, audiences see an increase in his awareness for the relationships between people of differing cultures, a key message of the crash metaphor. Each interaction generates a greater awareness of the tension and racial discrimination prevalent in the overall American culture.
            Metaphor enhances the understanding of language and meaning. As words create and reflect the world around us and our individual perceptions of it, they also create and reflect the depth of that world and those perceptions. A metaphor connects two objects unlikely on the surface, instantly giving it a greater depth. Take this film as an example; it overtly utilizes the crash metaphor to generate thought on race relationships. The concept of a crash indicates a harsh collision, emphasizing the deep tension between the characters.
            A metaphor also gives a greater understanding of meaning through the words used in it and the connections made as a result. As a person examines the relationship between the two objects, he starts to take note of more details and how that aspect correlates to the other object. Using the crash metaphor again, a person can look at many facets of an auto collision and relate it to the encounters depicted on the screen. A car has numerous parts of it put together to make it adequately function. A person is also made up of many parts, and a society consists of numerous unique people to function. In both cases a crash can range from a minor fender bender to a deathly crash. The encounters in the film cover a range in the severity of the crashes. The unfortunate extreme of this spectrum is seen when the young police officer Tom Hansen wrongly anticipates his passenger Peter’s next action after not explaining his laughter; Tom kills Peter.  He acted in quick self-defense to what his experience had taught him to do; he had stored away stereotypical traits to assign to people, and they guided his responsive action. Using the crash metaphor, a viewer can unpack the intricacies of all the levels of this brutal action that caused such a fatal collision. In this case, as the police officer severely hit the other man’s “car,” he must also have walked away with an impact on his own. He can’t walk away untouched or undamaged.
            Metaphor use lends to a deeper understanding of the relationship between the objects connected in it. The film Crash makes use of this tool to draw attention to the tumultuous relationship between culture and race. This approach leads audiences to delve deeper into their understanding of these interactions. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Language: Words Used to Create, Respond, Develop in Reality with God

Language possesses a powerful role in society. Written and spoken words permeate the globe as communication and language play a significant role in cultural progress, ranging from development of relationships to outlooks on life to the very creation of the world. Conversation between people allows them to share their unique perspective and develop a connection with each other; writers put words on paper to share an experience imagined or real in books and poems. In a Christian worldview, words happen throughout creation and the relationships in it: God spoke the world into being; His people respond to Him in prayer using words; the bible is the Word that creates the foundation for a relationship with God for guidelines as to how to live a lifestyle that reflects that. Language, used to establish and maintain connections and communication in relationships, also reflects a person’s general perspective on life and interests based on what words they choose and what topics they choose to discuss. Language brought the world into being and shapes perception, thereby creating realities. God develops our realities as our lives and perceptions progress; we must engage with the dialogue He starts with us to grow closer to Him and the full potential He created for us.
            Language creates; God spoke the world into existence. As Genesis recounts the creation story in the first chapter, it repeatedly says, “And God said, ‘Let there be…’” as He makes night and day, land and sea and sky, plants and creatures, man. John, one of the gospel accounts, also begins with God’s spoken word. It starts, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (1:1). God used words to create a reality in the world, and the masterpieces He made in His image use words to shape their perception of that world.
            A person’s reality gets created through God’s Word and by following it. God spoke the world and His people into being, and He continues to shape their existence through His Word. Christians read the bible, and that shapes their beliefs, behavior, and perception. Take the Ten Commandments, for example. The bible describes how God spoke the commandments to Moses, who wrote them down in a book. The immediate audience in this case had to obey these rules, such as do not steal and do not use the Lord’s name in vain. Still in existence in today’s bible, Christians encounter them and obey them in their everyday life. The caution in using the Lord’s name in vain particularly comes into play in choosing words to express extreme emotions in an exclamation. Absorbing the Word places it in a person’s head, and that alters their perception of the world. God continues to create His children’s reality.
            God seeks personal relationships with His people, and communication utilizes words to maintain those connections. Specifically, prayer unites God to His children. Prayer first allows people to respond to God: His daily gifts, His Word, everyday encounters. God makes these objects observable to all and include sunrises painting the sky, flowers opening to the sky, a stranger smiling, a person laughing, a friend hugging. As Psalms 19:1-4 point out, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” The evidence manifests throughout creation. One only has to select when to respond. Typically the prayer includes words directed at God. They express thanksgiving, admiration, confession, and supplication. A reciprocal process made of words, prayer connects God with His people. As they unite, the choice in words reflects the perception of the world created through this relationship.
Language creates all reality. It permeates all human interaction and perception. Words have created since God spoke our world and people into existence. From there He has used words to provide His people with the bible, language used to speak to His children, providing them a foundation for living. Prayer serves as a response to Him as His people talk back. Language provides us a way to maintain a relationship to God, responding to his glory with dialogue. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cowboy in Texas

These are the lyrics to my boy band's first song.

Today I came into town
wearing that same old frown
I came through your front door
and found you and so much more
I've been walking this road
and I don't want to no more

'cause I'm a cowboy in Texas
I got frays in my jeans
and I got fringe on my boots
and my hat always pointed to you

I've told you all I have to say
I can only hope you'll let me stay
I've been gone for a while
but for you I'll stay on this mile
I been walking this road
and I don't want to no more

'cause I'm a cowboy in Texas
I got frays in my jeans
and fringe on my boots
and my hat always pointed to you

Since I been gone I ain't the same guy
I promise I'll never ask why
you stayed in this same place
and let it all go to waste
I been walkin' this road
and I don't want to no more

'cause I'm a cowboy in Texas
I got frays in my jeans
and fringe on my boots
and my hat always pointed to you

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Social Network: A Community of Friends at a Distance

            Recent popular film The Social Network, revolving around the creation story of social networking website Facebook, has gained a lot of notoriety and won numerous awards, including a nod for Best Picture at the Oscars. At the Oscars, it won Best Achievement in Film Editing and Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures. It also won two awards at the Golden Globes: Best Motion Picture, Drama and Best Original Score (IMDb). As it has won awards for the film overall, and particularly its original score and exceptional editing, it lends itself to an aesthetic criticism focusing on the artistic value of the film. The aesthetic elements used draw the audience into the drama as the events unfold, revealing the creating and spreading of the social network site that encompassed the globe. The editing, music, and colors work together to pull the audience into the creator and protagonist Mark Zuckerberg’s world, one in which he ironically had few friends. These particular elements emphasize the depicted distance between him and people surrounding him.
Literature Review
            Colors on the screen can cue audiences to unconsciously ascribe attributes to concepts and characters. Red typically represents strong characteristics such as power, danger, and caution. Grey is a dull color that does not stand out. Trustworthiness, friendliness, and genuine openness are associated with blue (Silverblatt, et al).
Music draws audiences further into the story by cuing their emotions and reinforcing images and actions on the screen. The rhythm can match the pace of the action on the screen, quickening when action increases and slowing when it becomes more stable. Whether the chords sound dissonant or harmonious can indicate the relationship between characters, hinting at the level of tension or connectedness (Silverblatt, et al). Music keys can play a similar role. Minor chords typically sound sad and can correspond to a mellow situation or character. Major chords match happy tones. The musical instruments used can also generate emotions, especially if used in specific ways. Piano typically has a soft, tranquil sound to it. Drums can intensify the sound as it reflects intensified feelings of characters. More electronic sounding tones are often associated with dance club style music.
            Editing plays a crucial role in piecing the story together. The rhythm of the shots in each scene corresponds to the progression speed of the overall story. Shorter shot durations emphasize the tension building up, and longer durations let the audience take in more information as the events unfold and the characters reveal more about themselves. Scenes with higher emotional content, such as an argument, will have quicker shots back and forth between the characters. The general sequence of scenes relates the events to each other. A lot of times, the content in each scene fuels the next event, allowing them to build upon each other. Parallel editing lets two sequences unfold simultaneously on the screen, allowing contrasts to be seen. Spatial rhythm and temporal and spatial continuity provide cues to the passage of time and relationships between people (Silverblatt, et al).
            The Social Network follows Mark Zuckerberg’s development of Facebook as told through the multiple lawsuits he faced following its success. The film depicts him as a distanced, unconnected yet brilliant Harvard student. A Rolling Stone magazine review of the movie points out how “the film draws much of its dark humor from a central irony: The awkward guy who changed our definition of ‘friend’ never seemed to grasp the word’s original meaning” (Hiatt). As the evolution of Facebook progresses, audiences see the tension that ensues from Zuckerberg’s conflict with others involved with the business and the lawsuits. Throughout the film, editing, sound and music, and color indicate Zuckerberg’s distance from the characters around him and the audience.
            The award winning musical score in the background of the movie creates a dramatic tone underneath the visual drama. It sounds harsher and stronger than the typical soft, mellow instrumentals typically heard in movies, which coincides with the tension between characters and the in-your-face attitude found in some of them. Most of it keeps a fast-paced, upbeat rhythm as well, which matches the popular, elite group Zuckerberg aspires to join and corresponds with the rising intensity in the conflict and the ensuing tension between those characters (Reznor & Ross).
            Several of the songs have elements similar to those found in a dance club. They have upbeat tempos, a bumping baseline in the background, and electronic sounding instruments (Reznor & Ross). That first sounds like the party scene to which Zuckerberg desires to belong. It corresponds to the added action in his life as Facebook’s success progresses. The second song, “In Motion,” sounds like it would be playing at one of the Final Clubs, an invite only fraternity-like group, he wants to join. It starts with a fast-tempoed bass beat with a techno sounding melody, accompanied with a piano in the background (Reznor & Ross). This plays after the opening scene when Zuckerberg is in his dorm working on his project leading into Facebook and when the edits go back and forth between that and people at a Final Club party (Fincher).
            “Hand Covers Bruise,” the first song on the soundtrack, sets the movie’s tense tone and foreshadows the upcoming events. The piece begins with dissonant strings. Piano notes join the instrumentation with hesitant, soft sounds (Reznor & Ross). These notes symbolize Zuckerberg, his desire to connect with those around him. Throughout the song, the piano melody comes and goes, another way to represent Zuckerberg stepping into social circles as he finds success in Facebook yet still stepping back as he does not truly maintain any friendships. More dissonant sounding musical instrumentation gets added to the song around the middle of the piece. Dissonant chords, more than one note on top of the single note dissonant sound and the harmonious piano, represent the tension that builds between the characters. The deep, echoing boom sound that enters after that gives the song an ominous edge; it foreshadows the impending conflict (Reznor & Ross).
            The color, particularly on Zuckerberg’s clothing corresponds with the depicted distance. His shirts consistently stays dull, typically grey; most often, he wears a grey hoodie and t-shirt (Fincher). This reflects his status as an unnoticed person since grey does not stand out.
            In contrast, Zuckerberg makes Facebook’s banner blue, a welcoming color. Users will encounter the blue at the top of the page, inviting them into the social network (Fincher). While Zuckerberg never may find himself on the inside of a social circle, he creates this social network that draws friends together online. Ironically the man who creates this community creates a greater distance between himself and his friends as he gains more Facebook “friends.”
            Blue makes appearances on characters in instances where they seek friendship or desire another person to trust them. The Winklevoss brothers in particular periodically wear blue shirts or ties. When they first approach Zuckerberg about their Harvard Connection idea, they have blue shirts on, an unconscious signal of friendliness (Fincher). The color portrays their desire for Zuckerberg to trust them so that he will help make their idea a reality.
            While Zuckerberg typically wears grey clothing, he dons a red shirt in a scene or two. Red appears on him when he begins his creative process (Fincher). This represents the power he possesses as Facebook creator. He shows more confidence as he builds the business, attempting to step into an elite circle. However, his clothing goes back to grey shortly after Facebook launches, again emphasizing his eternal outsider social status.
The editing used throughout the movie also emphasizes Zuckerberg’s outsider status. From the opening scene when he creates his FaceMatch, the editing shows him outside the popular world he desires to join. The parallel editing there goes back and forth between him on his computer in his dorm room and the parties at the elite clubs, a group to which he does not belong (Fincher).
The events follow a sequence in present and past time as it goes between the two court cases in the present and the backstory of the actual creation and evolution of Facebook. The scenes in present day always take place in the court setting, the characters sitting at the table signifying this. The way the characters sit at the table again shows Zuckerberg’s distance from those around him. Cuts of him show a disinterested member of the discussion. Oftentimes, he leans back in his chair. Especially in the case between him and his best friend Eduardo Saverin, the table physically symbolizes the distance now between them; in this setting they literally have a table between them as they sit on opposing sides (Fincher).
Scenes that occur before the court cases, show Zuckerberg and Saverin much closer together, indicating their level of friendship. As they venture into their business of Facebook, they are seen on the same side of the table, or desk in many instances. They are seen side-by-side in crucial parts of the creative process of the website, and they sit beside each other at important meetings such as the one with Napster creator Sean Parker (Fincher). This contrasts with the present day at the court table, signifying the growing distance in the relationship as the conflict and tension plays out on the screen.
Discussion and Conclusion
            Critically acclaimed movie The Social Network follows the evolution of networking site Facebook and the life of its creator Mark Zuckerberg; the aesthetic elements used throughout the film emphasize his distance from those around him. His grey clothing, because it does not stand out, makes it easy for him to drift to the outside of social events. The music on the soundtrack represents the tension generated by the conflict revolving around the business, making it harder for Zuckerberg to develop and maintain friendships. The editing especially emphasizes the distance between him and those around him as it cuts between scenes and sequences events. Further analysis could examine the composition of the frames used in each scene. The composition of the screen shots contributes to the distance and surface level depth of the characters, especially of Zuckerberg. The protagonist almost never stands in a central position of the screen. Relatively few shots show him up close. Him staying mostly off to the side of the screen reflects his status as an outsider in society. The film as a whole depicts Zuckerberg distanced from others. Though he created Facebook, the site with the welcoming blue banner that connects people to each other, it looks as though he does not have many friends.

Works Cited
David Fincher. Dir. Perf. Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield. Columbia, 2010. DVD.
Hiatt, Brian. "The Social Network." Rolling Stone 1115 (2010): 70-76. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 2 Mar. 2012.
Reznor, Trent. Ross, Atticus. The Social Network. Sony, 2010. CD.
Silverblatt, Ferry, and Finan. Approaches to media literacy: a handbook. 2nd Ed. (2009).
“The Social Network.” IMDb.. Web. 28 Feb 2012.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

True In Love

It’s been quiet while you’ve been away
I miss your voice and the smile your words bring to my lips
Without you here, I must hold it in
The wit, bellowing laugh, the me not shared with others

In my space alone, I gain peace
And in contemplation, confidence
I’ve seen it’s you who endures
Your beat the one coinciding with mine

You’re the one who stays at my side
Making me laugh for all to hear
Making me wish you were always near
Because you have beheld me inside my skin

You come back to me with arms open
Drawing me close to whisper in my ear
That you see the beauty beyond my eyes
And that you’re glad I see you through them

Gazing into each other’s blues
We delve deeper as the words flow
Sharing and creating between us
Our together reality, made true in love

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fall For The Resonating Song

You were near when I was ready to fall
I looked your way and saw your big heart, a large, safe place to land
Little did I know I was just waiting there
As You kept me company, provided my comfort

Soon I became impressed as my body lifted toward the clouds in a daze
The connection I so desired seemed possible, right as I had deemed it unattainable
But we didn't fit; our precious pieces didn't make us one
Yet I seized all I could, savoring my glimpse at love's depths

You had invited me to share a path
But then pushed me out of a racing train
So I found my way back to me, the one I can't escape and who always stands by
Slowly but surely, I continue on my way, ever closer to a swim in the proper depths

I contemplate the timing and wonder
Did I blindly put replace my hope with you
I placed my hand in yours as I tried to step away, and it felt secure
Now that I no longer rest with you, it's the old hope still here with me, a resonating song inside

You stand by too, but it's like before
You care, but it's not enough
You renewed my hope, and it just might show me
The one still reverberating in my chest just might be the one to make me fall

Monday, January 2, 2012

I Lava You

Erupting like a volcano is my love
And I'm slipping into the lava
Trying to keep from going under
As I'm burning up with your love

The lava spills from my heart
As I long to pour it over you
To share the warmth it ignites
Together we're drawn like magnets, never broken, ever pulling closer

Density has brought us together
The attraction as strong as an ionic bond
And the connection shared like a covalent bond
Now we share our valence, completing each other

As two atoms we share one electron
Making us one, stable molecule in love
Though even a microscope can't capture our love
I look into it and see you in the reflection of my eye

Our love paints my world with a rainbow of colors
As it courses like a river in my veins
Pulsing in time like the click of a clock
I lava you now and forever, always shining like the sun