Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fall For The Resonating Song

You were near when I was ready to fall
I looked your way and saw your big heart, a large, safe place to land
Little did I know I was just waiting there
As You kept me company, provided my comfort

Soon I became impressed as my body lifted toward the clouds in a daze
The connection I so desired seemed possible, right as I had deemed it unattainable
But we didn't fit; our precious pieces didn't make us one
Yet I seized all I could, savoring my glimpse at love's depths

You had invited me to share a path
But then pushed me out of a racing train
So I found my way back to me, the one I can't escape and who always stands by
Slowly but surely, I continue on my way, ever closer to a swim in the proper depths

I contemplate the timing and wonder
Did I blindly put replace my hope with you
I placed my hand in yours as I tried to step away, and it felt secure
Now that I no longer rest with you, it's the old hope still here with me, a resonating song inside

You stand by too, but it's like before
You care, but it's not enough
You renewed my hope, and it just might show me
The one still reverberating in my chest just might be the one to make me fall

Monday, January 2, 2012

I Lava You

Erupting like a volcano is my love
And I'm slipping into the lava
Trying to keep from going under
As I'm burning up with your love

The lava spills from my heart
As I long to pour it over you
To share the warmth it ignites
Together we're drawn like magnets, never broken, ever pulling closer

Density has brought us together
The attraction as strong as an ionic bond
And the connection shared like a covalent bond
Now we share our valence, completing each other

As two atoms we share one electron
Making us one, stable molecule in love
Though even a microscope can't capture our love
I look into it and see you in the reflection of my eye

Our love paints my world with a rainbow of colors
As it courses like a river in my veins
Pulsing in time like the click of a clock
I lava you now and forever, always shining like the sun